Kawaguchi Mami was a member of AKB48's Baito AKB.
Team History
- 2014.09.24 -Joined AKB48 as a Baito AKB
- 2015.02.28 - Graduated from AKB48's Baito AKB
- 2015.03.01 - Shifted to being a AKB48 Group Draft Kaigi 2015 Finalist
Stage Units
- Baito AKB Special Stage
- Seifuku Resistance
- Pros: Bright, has hospitality
- Cons: Has lots of baggage, can't read the atmosphere occasionally
- Hobbies: Musical appreciation
- Special Talent: Awa Folk Dance, tap dance, shamisen
- Dogs or Cats?: Dogs
- Her nickname is from her Baito AKB time
- Admires Takahashi Minami
- Was not selected at the AKB48 Group Draft Kaigi 2015