Risa was an AKB48 Team SH 2nd Generation Trainee.
Team History[]
- 2019.08.25 - Joined AKB48 Team SH as a 2nd Generation Trainee
- 2020.04.02 - Dismissed from AKB48 Team SH 2nd Generation Trainee
- Name in Pinyin: Shuǐyě Lìshā
- Name in Korean: 리사
- First Japanese member of AKB48 Team SH
- She is half-Japanese and half-Chinese.
- In December 2019, Risa reportedly left the group's dormitory and training camp without permission from the management. She also privatized her Weibo account.
- On April 2, 2020, the management removed all information about her from their website, thus indicating that she had been dismissed from AKB48 Team SH.