Sailor Zombie (セーラーゾンビ?) is a Manga published by Gekkan Heros for the Sailor Zombie franchise.
- Maiko (舞子?) - a girl in sailor uniform wandering around aimlessly wielding a long-bow, later held a samurai. This character was the basis for Owada Nana's role, Inui Maiko.
- Mutsumi (睦美?) - is one of the survivors that Maiko met. She wields either a bat or an axe, and wears a pair of headphones. This character was the basis for Takahashi Juri's role, Oyamada Mutsumi.
- Yuri (由梨?) - Mutsumi's friend. She and Mutsumi were the ones who saved Maiko in their first meeting. She wields a shovel.
- Momoka (百花?) - one of the survivors that Maiko met after Mutsumi saved her. She wields a bat. This character was the basis for Kawaei Rina's role, Akizuki Momoka.
- Arina (アリナ?) - a girl with glasses that Maiko met. She wields a pickaxe. This character was the basis for Koike Rina's role.
External Links[]
- Sailor Zombie (Manga) in Gekkan Heros.